We all know that patient reviews are important to obtain for your practice. Typically, we think of them as tools patients read to make a judgment on booking an appointment. In today’s blog, we will explain what elements patients include in reviews and how you can use that feedback to define and elevate your patients’… Continue reading Defining a Patient’s Experience
Tag: Blog
Chat GPT — A Mindblowing New Chatbot
“Whoa. WTH?!?!?”, could be heard down the halls of the Google HQ this week. It’s reported that Mark Zuckerberg even threw his yoga mat across the room. What caused the panic at Google? Chat Generative, Pretrained, Transformer or ChatGPT. ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, whose investors (with questionable experience in disruption) include Microsoft, LinkedIn founder… Continue reading Chat GPT — A Mindblowing New Chatbot
Maximizing Tech for a Great Patient Experience
Thoughts on dentaleconomics.com‘s recent article highlighting trends that will impact your practice in 2023 I wanna give dentaleconomics.com a big hug and a kiss! In this enlightening article on “Tech and marketing trends that will impact the dental industry in 2023” they cover a lot of ground! For example, dental services is projected to see… Continue reading Maximizing Tech for a Great Patient Experience
Dang! Our SEO Team and Paid Ads Teams Are Killing It!
Have you ever found yourself plugging away at something, then look up and realize all the progress you’ve made? Maybe exercising consistently, then one day randomly hopping on the scale and you’re like “Whoa, look at that!” (Ok, me neither, let me try again). Maybe you’re cleaning out a closet or the garage for hours… Continue reading Dang! Our SEO Team and Paid Ads Teams Are Killing It!
WordPress: Expectations vs. Reality
One of the most widely used website creation and content management systems nowadays is WordPress, and for good reason – it’s adaptable, reasonably priced, and lets you transfer your website to various hosting platforms. It does have certain restrictions, though, just like any tool. In this blog, we will look at three common misconceptions people… Continue reading WordPress: Expectations vs. Reality
How do you thank a patient who referred you?
I frequently hear from our Drs.,“I always ask a new patient, ‘How’d you hear about us’”. The Drs. always want to know what’s working in terms of their advertising – which is a very smart thing to ask! However, I’ve never thought to ask this follow-up question, but I’m going to start, “What do you… Continue reading How do you thank a patient who referred you?
Branding 101: Liquid Death…?
Forgive me for a personal indulgence, but today I wanted to write about one of my favorite brands—Liquid Death. Consider yourself warned, this does not relate directly to the dental field. If you’re still here then fasten your seatbelt. For the uninitiated, Liquid Death is just canned water—that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Liquid Death… Continue reading Branding 101: Liquid Death…?
Pulling Back the Curtain on PHP
For today’s blog post, I thought I’d pull the curtain back and share some of the behind-the-scenes things that we’re working on. Our latest major technical project has been upgrading all of our client websites to the latest version of PHP. This process is very time consuming and requires a significant attention to detail as… Continue reading Pulling Back the Curtain on PHP
Rather than a generic “Mission Statement,” Bullseye Media embraces our Iconic Behaviors
Years ago my friend Eve Mayer owned a company called Social Media Delivered and in their office were these mesmerizing icons on the wall – a unicorn and a flying witch, if memory serves (and mine serves me very poorly these days, so apologies, Eve, if I got the icons all wrong). But it left… Continue reading Rather than a generic “Mission Statement,” Bullseye Media embraces our Iconic Behaviors
We got dumped! And Oral Sleep Alliances are to blame.
Lessons shared with the Premier Study Club I recently opened my presentation at the Premier Study Club by reading this Dear John letter from a client who recently dumped us: Dear Ernie, This is a difficult letter for me to write, but it’s not working out.I need space, Ernie. Between appointments, I mean; I literally… Continue reading We got dumped! And Oral Sleep Alliances are to blame.